Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is soft tissue manipulation of the body. It is one of the oldest recognized forms of healing. It involves a variety of techniques to help prevent, develop, maintain, or rehabilitate physical function or relieve pain. It is a clinically-oriented form of treatment that can help with many health conditions stemming from muscular dysfunction, overuse injuries, and many chronic pain syndromes. Traditional Swedish Massage Therapy usually involves lotions or oils on the skin with a variety of kneading and stroking techniques.
Schedule your massage therapy appointment with one of our Registered Massage Therapists (RMTs) now
Articles of Interest
Menopause & Massage?!
Are you suffering from the symptoms of menopause? If so, you are not alone! In fact, 80% of perimenopausal and menopausal women experience at least one clinical symptom and 40% seek medical advice. Did you know that massage therapy has been found to be very effective in treating many of the most common complaints? Some of these …
Are you really looking after yourself?
January is often considered a month of renewal. Many of us start the year off with resolutions to make healthier choices during the coming months. Walk into any local gym right now and you will be greeted by a multitude of people keen to become more healthy and “turn over a new leaf”. While I …
Pain in your butt?
The gluteal muscles of your buttocks are among the largest and strongest in the body. They are responsible for moving your leg at the hip joint. More specifically, they extend your thigh, help with rotation, and help keep your pelvis stabilized and strong. For example, every time you climb the stairs, get out of your …